One is left wondering, after reading this: What, exactly, is this threat that Hezbollah poses to US national security? Is it the same threat that Saddam posed? Are Hezbollah operatives poised to attack the United States from across the southern border in Mexico? Are Nasrallah's elite fighters camped out in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, waiting for the perfect opportunity to eliminate American freedoms in Wisconsin and North Dakota? he talking about Israel's national security? This is so confusing!
The country whose national security is most threatened by Hezbollah is Lebanon. And no, I don't mean when they decide to flex their muscles and take over Hamra. I'm referring to events such as Operation Grapes of Wrath and the July 2006 war.
The fact is, Hezbollah is a threat to Lebanon's national security just as Saddam was a threat to Iraq's national security just as Bin Laden was a threat to Afghanistan's national security just as Noriega was a threat to Panama's national security just as Hamas is a threat to the occupied Palestinian territories' national (territorial?) security just as Ahmadinejad is a threat to Iran's national security just as communism was a threat to the U.S.S.R.'s and China's national security just as Castro is a threat to Cuba's national security...and so on and so on ad infinitum.
These people, groups, or socio-political concepts are/were a threat to the national securities of their relative host countries/territories/unions for one reason and one reason alone: the United States and/or Israel and their allies saw an opportunity to exploit the situation to gain something out of attacking them. So, ironically, Washington labels them 'threats to OUR national security' thereby creating an excuse to move against them militarily, leading to the host country/territory/union's national security being trampled under US soldiers' bootheels. And all the while, Americans feel warm and fuzzy as they eat their supersized meals in their giant SUVs, thinking that their national security is in safe hands.
Chertoff's title should be changed to US and Israeli Homeland Security Chief. Or maybe the USA should be renamed the United States of America and Israel. Either one works for me.
Incidentally, I saw an interview with Chertoff yesterday on Al Jazeera. I have to hand it to the guy, he's good at answering difficult and potentially embarrassing questions by not answering them at all, while seeming to do his best to answer them honestly.
But at one point, the host asked Chertoff what his comment was on the Al Jazeera cameraman who is currently being released from Guantanamo Bay after being held there for over six years. Chertoff's answer: "I have never heard of that. I obviously don't know every detail about every detainee in Guantanamo Bay." or something to that effect, to which the host replied, laughing: (again, paraphrased) "One would be justified in thinking that you should fire your aides for allowing you to come on this show without giving you that particular piece of information..."
I'm sure heads rolled at the department of homeland security that day. Or maybe promotions were handed out. It's hard to say.
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