There are so many things wrong on so many levels with what happened in the Koura and the aftermath that I get nauseated just thinking about it.
At a time when the various leaders and political factions are (seemingly) trying to iron out their differences, an incident like this clearly shows that it's all an act. All it has done is confirm (once again) that crazy homicidal shepherds are leading crazy homicidal sheep, none of whom care one whit about their country.
Imagine a New York City or Chicago that has been overrun by organized crime to the point where the crime bosses become leaders in the local government and somehow manage to gain independence from the rest of the state and the US as a whole. Now imagine that those crime bosses manage to hire a genius physicist and mechanical engineer who devises a machine that can move the city halfway across the world to the eastern end of the Mediterranean…
Wait. I’m getting carried away. (Note to self: new idea for a sci-fi/mafia novel)
Will the government conduct a proper investigation? Not a chance.
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