Thursday, September 18, 2008

Imitation is...

the sincerest form of flattery?


Anonymous said...

This is amazing :) I actually had no idea your blog existed... What's even more impressive is that I actually picked a theme that looks similar to yours, and a title tag-line that's almost similar... Now I feel like an imitator, and I am actually being accused of being one, when it's all just a coincidence... I guess I can keep this the way it is (since the main subjects of the blogs are so different... yours seems to be more involved in general-interest issues and political subjects...), or I would have to start a new blog, which would make me feel sad now that I'm getting used to my faylasoof identity...

faylasoof said...

Sorry about the accusation...I just thought that it was way too big of a coincidence. I'm going to take your word for it when you say that it actually is a coincidence (this is not to imply that you would or should give a shit about what I think:)).

Happy blogging! I'm gonna add your blog to my list of sites just to confuse people a bit.