Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The gods must be financially inept

Somewhat related to a previous post, I found this today. It seems that our fellow Asians over in India are taking religion to the next level:
AN Indian court has ruled that Hindu gods cannot deal in stocks and shares, after an application for trading accounts to be set up in their names.
Two judges at the Bombay High Court yesterday rejected a petition from a private religious trust to open accounts in the names of five deities, including the revered elephant-headed god, Ganesha.
"Trading in shares on the stock market requires certain skills and expertise and to expect this from deities would not be proper," judges P.B. Majumdar and Rajendra Sawant said, according to Indian newspapers.
Apparently, the judges don't think Ganesha can handle the stresses of the stock market. Who can, right?

Ganesa or Ganesh, also known as Ganapati,
Vinayaka, and Pillaiyar

If it was up to me, they should open up a brokerage firm, or a fund management company in Ganesha's name. Who better to manage your assets than the 'remover of obstacles' who also happens to be immortal?

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